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List of Works: Clockwise Brenna Boucher, Terrace Bridge, acrylic on canvas - $2,700 Debra Strand, St. John's Wort, fibre art - $400 Cynthia Barwell, Redds, acrylic on canvas - $100 Tim Block, Fisherman, wire sculpture - $2,700 Centre Jude Hardcastle, Deep Water Fish Dish, pottery - $185 List of Works: Top Tim Block, Salmon on Cedar Plank, wire, cedar plank - $200 Bottom - left to right Nancy McIlmoyle, Pottery Bowl - $25 Jude Hardcastle, Pottery Plate - $30 Nancy McIlmoyle, Pottery Bowl - $20 List of Works: Top - left to right Kyle Boivin, Skeena Fish, wire - $25 Joan Billey, Pottery Mug - $30 Joan Billey, Pottery Mug - $25 Centre - left to right, Jewellery by: Kae Williams Jaimie Davis Stephanie Anderson Bottom Megan Reid - additional info to come |